Embrace The

Soul of Africa

Join Our Ghana
NYE 2025 Adventure!

Tuesday Ferruary 20, 2024



Join Our Ghana

NYE 2025 Webinar

Tuesday Ferruary 20, 2024

@ 7:00 PM CST

We’re going to dive deep into what makes Ghana a haven for the soul – from exploring the poignant Door of No Return to experiencing the joy of receiving your African name in a traditional naming ceremony.

Our conversation is just the beginning of our amazing journey to the Motherland, and it’s the first step to a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

What You'll Learn

The Ghana Connection

Uncovering Our Roots and Black Heritage

Feel the Pulse of History

Bringing the Past Alive with Every Sense

Jet Set Ready

What You Need to Know as an American Traveler

All the Deets

Prices, Payment Plans, Dates, and Everything Else!

What Our Clients Say

Amber K.
Amber K.
February 2023
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This was a wonderful trip that was expertly curated. Everything was top notch! Mocha travel 100% prepared me for this trip. One of the best things about this trip is you literally get to show up and everything is organized for you. As a mom, that is priceless.
Cree D
Cree D
February 2023
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My experience was EVERYTHING!! I took in every moment even down to the white butterflies recognizing my presence and I honored them as well. Muraleando was my favorite, because I experienced the heart of Havana in one location. Seeing the children in class working on their art pieces melted my heart! Also dancing with the elders and seeing the live band was right down my lane! I love being in the presence of elders and I love music!
Kevin Y.
Kevin Y.
December 2022
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Fantastic, well-organized, wonderful!
Measha D.
Measha D.
February 2023
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This was a wonderful trip that was expertly curated. Everything was top notch! It was wonderful to see the culture and spirit of the people of Cuba. They created such beauty from nothing it was overwhelming to experience.
Donna W.
Donna W.
February 2023
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The food was great, I was full and satisfied the entire trip. The drivers and tour guides top notch. The curated experience exceeded my expectations. The accommodations were nice. Katrina, you did an amazing job. The trip was great for me.
Diahann Y.
Diahann Y.
December 2022
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The experience was well coordinated. The help provided to arrange "self" activities was very appreciated as well as the help when needed for accommodating my mom.
Toshia M.
Toshia M.
February 2023
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Overall the trip was great. The drivers/tour guides were top notch, very helpful and made experience feel more comfortable. We were well prepared for all aspects of this trip. Viñales: Great, authentic food. Varying activities in one area. Authentic Cuban experience outside of the city.
Marie. W
Marie. W
February 2023
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It was truly an experience to sing, dance and purchase beautiful gifts from the community center. This experience captured the true essence of the Cuban people.
Mimie W.
Mimie W.
February 2023
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Rich in entertainment & culture. I enjoyed all activities.
May 2023
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Cuba was an awesome country to Experience! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to travel with Mocha Travel. Thank you for sharing your passion for Travel with us!
Donavon F.
Donavon F.
December 2022
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I really liked it, this is an experience that I will never forget.
Carrol W.
Carrol W.
December 2022
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Wonderful experiences overall. The organization of the activities and willingness of all, including driver and tour guide, to assist me at times.
Gary F.
Gary F.
December 2022
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I enjoyed my trip.
Roxanne F.
Roxanne F.
December 2022
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This was an AWESOME family experience!
G. Foster
G. Foster
December 2022
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PRICELESS Experience!
Keisha D.
Keisha D.
December 2022
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Really enjoyed myself and time with family and friends. Overall a great experience. Thank you for planning. Very well done!
Samaria G.
Samaria G.
December 2022
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This vacation exceeded my expectations! Great job! See you in Japan!
David D.
David D.
December 2022
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Top notch! Definitely an elevated experience. Can't wait to see how Mocha Travel continues to grow!

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